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We are a food buying group that specializes in bringing you the best quality food at unbelievable prices. Through SHARE's unique food network, thousands of people save money by stretching their grocery dollars.
Our Best Value Package includes a wide assortment of frozen meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and convenience foods – just like you see in major grocery stores. And at a savings of up to 50% off retail prices! Additional packages, including meat packages and specialty packages are also available. You can pay for your SHARE packages with cash, EBT/food stamps or online with a debit or credit card.
SHARE Iowa partners with places of worship, schools, and other organizations to create neighborhood "host sites" to make picking up your SHARE packages fun and convenient. For information on who to contact in your area call SHARE Iowa at 1-800-344-1107 or vist our "Pick-Up Locations" page