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Sheridan County Public Transit System (SCPTS)
Northwest Community Action Partnership
"Sheridan County Public Transit System is friendly people and reliable transportation. If you are a resident of Sheridan County Nebraska or visiting the cities of Hay Springs, Rushville, or Gordon please consider using Sheridan County Public Transportation for your public transportation needs. NORTHWEST COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP (NCAP) is a community benefit agency formed in 1965 to carry out the goals of Title II of the Federal Economics Opportunity Act of 1964. The agency is one of the nine Community Action Agencies in Nebraska (CAN), and is governed by a fifteen member Board of Directors; individuals both elected by the citizens and appointed by various government and civic organizations from across our service area.
The agency provides services in Box Butte, Cherry, Dawes, Sheridan, and Sioux counties. The administrative offices are located in Chadron. Programs and services offered by NCAP include Community Services/Family Development, Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Foster Grandparents, Head Start& Early Head Start, Sheridan County Public Transportation and Weatherization (energy saving measures for homes)."