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Siouxland Paramedics, Inc.
"Siouxland Paramedics Inc. commits to providing the highest quality patient transportation.
Siouxland Paramedics Inc. will provide to it's patients state-of-the-art technology acquired through careful consideration of cost and patient benefit. A staff of leading professionals will constantly monitor quality indicators to ensure the best in patient care.
SPI will strive to nuture an atmosphere of caring and compassion in order to preserve the dignity and quality of life for patients and their families. Since it's inception in 1982, Siouxland Paramedics has brought many innovative changes and positive outcomes to emergency medicine in Siouxland. As we set our sights to the future, we will continue to bring you state of the art changes that promote community health. One thing that won't change is Siouxland Paramedics' commitment to exceptional, life-saving care.