Snohomish County Community Transit Accessibility

Address: 7100 Hardeson Road
Everett, WA 98203
Phone: (425) 353-7433 Fax: (425) 4386140 Website:


"Most Community Transit buses have low floors, with only one step from the ground to the main floor of the bus. Most buses also have a kneeling feature so that first step on board can be even easier if needed. Every Community Transit bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift or ramp. Coach Operators are trained to assist people with disabilities in boarding and securing their wheelchairs on the bus. By federal law, Coach Operators announce major transfer points, intersections and destination points along each route. They also identify their bus route when stopping at zones that serve more than one route. 
Community Transit and DART strive to serve anyone in a wheelchair or scooter who can safely board and ride our buses. However, we are only required by law to transport people whose mobility aids meet these standards: have three or four wheels; are not more than 30 inches wide and 48 inches long, including footrests and backpacks; do not weigh more than 600 pounds when occupied. For your safety, Coach Operators use front and rear tie-downs to secure wheelchairs when available and feasible. You may be asked to leave the bus if you refuse to have your wheelchair secured. Two-wheeled scooters and walkers may be collapsed and stored in between the seats.
Service or guide animals necessary for travel by passengers with disabilities are allowed on all Community Transit buses. Service animals assisting disabled people do not require muzzles or head collars. However, all animals must be on a leash or in a harness.
Community Transit offers a free Transit Instruction Program for senior citizens, people with disabilities, and non-English speaking persons who may feel unsure about riding the bus. The instruction is customized to meet each person's needs, whether the individual desires general bus riding orientation or in-depth, one-on-one training. Group presentations are also available. 
Dial-A-Ride Transportation (DART) is a paratransit service that provides transportation for people whose disability or condition prevents them from using Community Transit regular route buses. DART paratransit service can pick up or take a qualified customer to or from locations within 3/4 of a mile of a Community Transit local, non-commuter bus route, during the hours that the bus route runs in that area. A DART trip will take about as long as that bus ride. For more information on DART, operated by Senior Services of Snohomish County, visit If you believe you qualify for DART service, please request an application packet by calling DART at 425-347-5912 or 800-562-1381 or TTY Relay: Dial 711. Along with the application, DART may need information from a doctor or other person who knows about your condition. DART may also need you to meet with someone who can look at your ability to use the regular bus. This is called a functional assessment. An application is complete when DART has all the information it needs to determine if you qualify. Once DART has this information, it will decide if you qualify in 21 days or less. Community Transit sells DART Paratransit tickets and monthly passes for use by DART customers. In addition to DART services, the DART passes and tickets are good for face value ($1.75) on all regular Community Transit buses. They are not accepted by any other transit or paratransit agencies. ORCA cards are not accepted on DART buses. If you use a manual wheelchair, please bring a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) if you need help over rough terrain or steep slopes. Also bring a PCA if the combined weight of you and your manual chair is more than 350 pounds. These conditions can be a safety hazard to you, the driver and the vehicle. DART will transport customers in mobility devices to the extent possible with our equipment. Currently, the combined weight of user, mobility device and all belongings and accessories  cannot exceed 800 pounds.   Your mobility device must not extend into the aisle after being secured. We encourage you to back your devices onto the lift when loading, as this will  facilitate a more successful boarding.  We will do our best to serve you. Call DART if you have an oversized mobility device or if you have concerns about your device being compatible with the lift or DART vehicle.  Let us know if you change your mobility device at any time. If you use a mobility device and you have steps at your residence or destination, arrange for someone to help you up and down the steps. If you use a power scooter, it is safer for you to sit in a bus seat while riding on the vehicle. We will help you to a seat and then make sure your scooter is secured. Drivers will not push power chairs or scooters. Number of Para transit Vehicles: 51. Service Area: 19 cities in Snohomish County, Tulalip reservation, Silver Firs area, with service to the Eastside and the University of Washington – 1312 sq. miles."
Transit Instruction Program: (425) 348-2379 
TTY Relay: Dial 711
To Request DART Application: (425) 347-5912 or 800-562-1381 

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