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SOAR “America’s Premier Adventure Program
SOAR- Success Oriented Achievement Realized : features success-oriented, high adventure program for preteens, teens and adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (AD/HD). Emphasis is placed on developing self-confidence, social skills, problem-solving techniques, a willingness to attempt new challenges and the motivation which comes through successful goal orientation.
Mission Statement
SOAR is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to:
LD and AD/HD Services (National) – Providing adventure based wilderness programs and experiential education services to individuals and families dealing with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorders.
Community Based Services (North Carolina) – Providing adventure based wilderness programs and experiential education services to school-aged youth in the local community.
Professional Service – SOAR embraces a commitment to service, which is evident in the professional and community involvement of its staff.
Courses: (please visit our website for details)
Parent Weekend
Course Availability
Conferences & Presentations
SOAR Store