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Sound Transit Accessibility
Contact: Joni Earl
Our buses and trains are fully accessible. ST Express buses are equipped with ramps or wheelchair lifts. On Sounder train platforms, the conductor will deploy a boarding ramp to help riders get onto the train safely. Central Link light rail trains feature level boarding. Board directly from the platform without climbing steps or using a lift or ramp. On Tacoma Link, press the round accessibility symbol on the outside of the door when the train has stopped. The light rail operator will deploy a ramp to allow you to board the train. Service Area: Urbanized areas of Snohomish, King & Pierce Counties. Additional Services: Regional Express Bus, Commuter Rail & Light Rail. Sound Transit has created a regional transit system that is safe and easy to use by everyone, including pedestrians, senior citizens, people with disabilities, bicyclists and other riders. Sound Transit works with local communities, jurisdictions, and transportation agencies to place and design facilities and services that fit local community plans.
TTY Relay: 7-7-1