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South Dakota Advocacy Services
South Dakota Advocacy Services is South Dakota’s gubernatorial designated protection and advocacy (P&A) system. P&As are mandated under various federal statutes (see next section) to provide legal representation and other advocacy services to all eligible persons with disabilities. These services are provided through a variety of vehicles: individual representation, educating policy makers, advocacy for groups, information and referral services, rights education, and self-advocacy training.
The fundamental mission of the P&A system is to respond to allegations of abuse, neglect, and violations of the rights of individuals with disabilities, including discrimination based on disability. P&As devote considerable resources to develop capacities of individuals with disabilities, ensuring full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlement programs (e.g., Medicaid and Social Security), health care, accessible housing, and productive employment opportunities.
P&As accomplish these goals by pursuing legal, administrative, and other appropriate remedies under all appropriate federal, state, and local laws (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Fair Housing Act).