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South Peninsula Hospital – Homer ALASKA
South Peninsula Hospital is a non-profit hospital that was founded in 1956, then as a three-bed PUD (public utility district). It has grown over five decades into a state-of-the-art hospital licensed for 22 medical beds and 28 nursing home beds. The hospital is the result of a unique partnership between the Kenai Peninsula Borough (service-area tax support for the facility and capital investments), City of Homer (for the land), and SPH, Inc., (the non-profit organization which provides the healthcare).
South Peninsula Hospital is one of numerous partnering agencies in our local MAPP (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Parntership) which just completed the first ever community wide health needs assessment.
South Peninsula Hospital was recently named a Top 100 Critical Access Hospital out of more than 1,300 critical access hospitals nationwide. South Peninsula Hospital has received approval from the Kenai Peninsula Borough to acquire Homer Medical Clinic (HMC), in a move expected to improve overall health care for the southern Kenai Peninsula while maintaining local community control
Dr. Brent M. Adcox, orthopedic surgeon, offers a full range of orthopedic services including sports medicine, orthopedic surgeries, total joint replacements and care of cervical and lumbar spinal disorders
Specialty Clinic:
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 235-0310.