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Southeast ADA & IT Technical Assistance Center
The Southeast ADA Center (formerly known as Southeast DBTAC) is your leader in providing information, training and guidance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and disability access tailored to the needs of business, government, and individuals at local, state and regional levels. We also conduct research to reduce and eliminate barriers to employment and economic self-sufficiency and to increase the civic and social participation of Americans with disabilities. Core Services of the Southeast ADA Center include: Technical Assistance. This service provides highly trained and qualified specialists to answer questions about ADA including advice and information on what is required, who is covered, and how to work through ADA-related questions. Call the regional hotline at 1-800-949-4232 for questions and information. Additionally the ADA provides customized training and distance education opportunities about the ADA and disability-related laws to disability organizations, State and local government agencies, and private businesses. Explore our ready-to-use, educational webcourses , toolkits, and national training resources. Find webinars, audioconferences, and webcasts in the Events Calendar and search the website: ADA Training Resources. Their Information and Referral service Information and Referral system provides referrals to local organizations for advocacy assistance or issues outside of our work scope via our State Resource Network and through partnerships with nationally-recognized experts and organizations. ADA Southeast promotes the ADA in a positive manner in training and medical outlets. They also work closely with business, disability, governmental, rehabilitation and other professional networks to assist with ADA efforts in your State and local communities.