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Southeast Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs – Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
The Southeast Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs is staffed by parents of children with special health care needs. The Southeast Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (formerly known as the Special Needs Family Center), is one of five Regional Centers in the state of Wisconsin funded by the WI Department of Health and Family Services, Division of Public Health, CYSHCN Program, MCH Title V Services Block grant. In addition, Children's Hospital and Health System is also a strong contributor to the Southeast Regional Center. Most recently, Children's Hospital and Health System funded the design and construction of the beautiful Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center located just off the Reiman Foundation Foyer (hospital lobby). The new Southeast Regional Center includes shelving for up to 4,000 library books, video viewing area, a small business center with three family computers, printers and a copy and fax machine. The new Center is attractive, accessible and family friendly with comfortable seating, soft lighting and quiet music. The Center is a welcome respite for families who would like to check out the library, talk with staff about resources or use the family computers to develop their own Website using CaringBridge.