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Southern Regional Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs Center – Waisman Center
Waisman Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
"The Wisconsin Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Program is funded by the Maternal Child Health Title V Block Grant. For more information about the Maternal Child Health Bureau go to: The CSHCN Program is located in the Department of Health and Family Services, Division of Public Health, Bureau of Family and Community Health. The philosophy and principles of this Program are: Children are best served within their families; Children and families are best supported within the context of their community; Families will have convenient access to care coordinators; Collaboration is the best way to provide comprehensive services; Family perspectives and presence must be included in all aspects of the system; Background Information. The Wisconsin CSHCN Program directs projects and programs, provides leadership and technical assistance to support the efforts of agencies, provides education and training opportunities for staff and service providers and coordinates a statewide system of nutrition services. The CSHCN Program provides grants to promote care for Wisconsin children with special health care needs and their families.