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Special Education Center, Levy (KS)
Levy Special Education Center serves students who are severely multiply disabled, mentally handicapped, autistic and otherwise health impaired. Levy serves students from ages three to 21 whose educational needs can best be met in a special school setting. Levy has an unique hydrotherapy pool and state-of-the-art playground specially designed for students with physical disabilities.
Mission: The mission of Levy Special Education Center is to provide a safe and stimulating learning environment which promotes dignity and respect for the students and where individual needs of each student are met by a team of skilled, caring professionals in ways that are functional and meaningful.
Campus Improvement Program:
Each student’s Individual Education Plan is developed in alignment with the Kansas Extended Standards. The Unique Learning System has been adopted as the curriculum for Levy students. Motor, communication and social skills are pervasive, and are embedded into all aspects of programming.
Site Council Information- Each school has a site council, which is a group of parents, community members, business representatives, teachers and other school staff. Site councils identify, consider and discuss educational problems and issues at the school. Councils provide advice and counsel for evaluating state, school district and school site performance goals and objectives. Councils may also recommend methods that may be employed at the school site to meet these goals and objectives. Staff, parent and community agencies that serve people with disabilities serve on the Levy Site Council.
Meeting Day: First Tuesday of each month
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Location: Levy
The student population at Levy is a diverse group of 82 students, ranging from three to 21 years of age. Twelve classroom teachers and 45 paraprofessionals work with students each day. The Levy staff also includes two nurses and two nurse assistants, one physical therapist, one occupational therapist, one therapy para educator, one speech clinician, one assistive technology specialist and other support staff.
Student Activities – Levy students participate in Adapted Physical Education, Swimming, Adapted Music, Home Living and Library as a part of their program. Participation in Special Olympics is also offered. Levy students also receive vocational training to develop skills that they will use during their community based instruction. We are fortunate to have many companies and organizations in Wichita that provide community based instruction sites for our students.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: