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Special Education – Ivymount School
Ivymount’s mission is to enable students to achieve their highest level of development; to support families in their efforts to make intelligent, thoughtful choices for their children; and to be leaders in the community and in the field of special education so that our expertise is widely accessible.
Ivymount School Programs
The Ivymount Multiple Learning Needs Program
The Ivymount Multiple Learning Needs Program serves students with disabilities including Autism/PDD, developmental delays, speech/language and other health impairments. The program, currently serving ages 6-21 in a non-graded program and Grades 2-8 in an Elementary/Secondary graded program. The school provides therapeutic, social and pragmatic skills programming depending on the ages and learning needs of the students. Career development is embedded in the educational program. Students exiting the Post High School at age 21 receive a Certificate of Completion.
The Autism Program
The Autism Program provides highly structured teaching environments using the Applied Behavior Analysis methodology. The program, currently serving ages 6-21 with one-to-one, two-to-one and small group instruction. Research-based instruction methods and treatments form the core of the Autism Program. Speech and language, occupational therapy, and related services are delivered in a consultative classroom model.
Students ages 6-13 work on academic, applied academic, and functional living skills in the classroom setting and throughout the school.
Students ages 14-21 work on academic, applied academic and functional living and job related skills in the classroom setting, throughout the school, in the community and at job sites. Students exiting the program at age 21 receive a Certificate of Completion.
Elementary and Secondary Graded Programs
Elementary Program – The eleven-month Elementary Program provides small, structured learning environments incorporating academic and social skills programs to meet a student's individual learning needs and prepare him/her to transition to a less restrictive environment. The program incorporates the general education curriculum combined with social skills programs, allowing students to master their individual academic, life skills and social/emotional goals.
Secondary Program – An eleven-month Secondary Program provides a comprehensive academic program for students seeking a high school diploma. Students earn credits to meet the graduation requirements of the state and local school system. Career development, technology education, and social skills are an intregral part of the curriculum.
The Secondary Program will serve students in Grade 10 for the 2011-2012 school year. Additional high school classes will be added in coming years.
The Model Asperger Program (MAP) – serves students at both the elementary and secondary levels who are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, are of average or above average intelligence, and who may have a deficit in social cognition and academic performance. MAP is a graded program that puts students on track to attain their high school diploma.
Other Ivymount School Programs
The Maddux School – is a developmental, early childhood program, serving ages 3.5-Grade 2, which offers an intensive educational and therapeutic foundation to help ensure successful futures. This is a private pay program.
Ivymount Outreach Programs – Licensed therapists and certified teachers work with students, parents and teachers who do not participate in our on-campus programs. We are committed to student assessment, ongoing consultation, program development and professional education throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
Please visit our website for more information.
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