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Special Education Mediation Program, Michigan (MSEMP)
The MSEMP provides services to assist with building constructive relationships while creating an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP), an Individualized Education Program (IEP), or resolution meeting.
MSEMP services include:
Facilitation. Facilitation can help the parties develop the best plan for the circumstances. A neutral facilitator helps participants with communication so that participants can focus on and resolve the planning or resolution meeting issues.
Mediation. Mediation aids parties in resolving disputes that may arise from IFSP or IEP implementation. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. The neutral mediator fosters a cooperative discussion. The parties alone make the final decisions. If they cannot reach a decision, the parties can move on to the hearing process or complaint.
Training. Learning collaborative communication and dispute resolution techniques can help parents, educators, and service providers be more effective in planning and decision making. Workshops can be adapted to the particular needs of parent, educator, provider, and other groups.Outreach. The more people know about facilitation and mediation services, the more they can benefit from them. Presentations can be made anywhere in the state and are supported by materials that explain the benefits of collaborative methods.
The MSEMP provides services through the Community Dispute Resolution Program (CDRP), a statewide network of conflict resolution centers with staff, facilitators, and mediators trained by the MSEMP.
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