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Special Education , New York State Education Department- Office of
The Special Education Office provides assistance to parents, advocacy groups, and schools related to services and programs for students with disabilities. Staff work together across various units to provide the most up to date policy and guidance, technical assistance, professional development, and monitoring to attain equal opportunities and positive results for students with disabilities across New York State.
Special Education Policy develops special education law, regulations and policy and informational materials which provide parents, educators, and other individuals with the necessary information to be effectively involved in the education of preschool and school-age students with disabilities, including students transitioning from school to post-school.
Special Education Quality Assurance oversees preschool and school-age special education programs and services through a quality assurance review process that emphasizes attainment of positive results for students with disabilities.
NYSED-funded technical assistance networks and centers across New York State provide local assistance and professional development to improve instructional practices and outcomes for students with disabilities.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Early Childhood Direction Centers
Special Education Services Contacts
Office of Special Education: