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Special Education, NY Citywide Council on
The Citywide Council on Special Education advocates on behalf of all students who have Individualized Education Programs. Nine of the eleven voting members of the CCSE are parents of students who have an Individualized Education Program. Two additional voting members are appointed by the Public Advocate and must have extensive experience and knowledge in educating, training or employing individuals with disabilities. A high school senior who has an Individualized Education Program is selected by the Chancellor’s Designee and serves as a non-voting member for one year. The Citywide Council on Special Education’s two-year term started July 2011 and runs until June 2013.
Citywide District 75 Council
Citywide District 75 Council members are the representatives of the parents of students receiving citywide special education services (District 75) and the community-at-large. Members of the Citywide District 75 Council will receive information on matters affecting the provision of citywide special education services to students within District 75. They, in turn, must consult with a wider community of parents and comment on citywide special education policy. Their meetings will be open to the public, and will allow members of the community to be heard on educational issues.
The Citywide District 75 Council must also issue an annual report on the effectiveness of special education services and make recommendations on how to improve them. To be effective, the Council will work to establish a productive working relationship with the superintendent of citywide special education.
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