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Special Education Parents Advocacy Link (SEPAL)
Marilyn McClure, BS, Advocate
"Special Education Parent's Advocacy Link , LLC (SEPAL) are advocates in the public schools for parent's who have children with special needs. SEPAL can assist you by participating in meetings at the school, including IEP meetings and accommodation meetings. We can also attend manifestation determination meetings.
SEPAL has a network of advocates in Missouri and Kansas who can serve parents in those areas with their special education concerns including learning disabilities, autism, and other special needs.
Parents–SEPAL can share with you information that may help you to avoid due process. Other mechanisms exist that the public school might not be telling you about…
SEPAL are advocates who are not lawyers and SEPAL does not give legal advice; we have special knowledge and expertise as advocates who are also parents of student's with special needs.
Delay is the worst thing a parent can do when the child is struggling in public school. Call SEPAL to learn strategies that worked in our experience that prevented unnecessary strife.
If your IEP team is impossible to work with, perhaps mediation is a forum where a parent can get issues addressed. SEPAL advocates are available to go to mediation and assist a parent with arrangements.
Advocates are available; call 816 865-6262. If your child has an ""IEP"", you will be asked to share a current copy with SEPAL.
This is not a free service. Parents direct the advocate. We are not attorneys, and do not give advice. Since we do not represent a parent, we can go to mediation with a parent under the IDEA. Animosity by the school may be less when a parent appears with a non-attorney advocate. "