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Special Education, Tyler Elementary (DC)
Tyler Elementary Special Education
Tyler Elementary strives to be a school that is inclusive, compassionate, and connected. In addition to addressing the unique concerns of a Spanish Immersion program and an Arts Integration curriculum, Tyler offers a Special Education program that accommodates a variety of students depending on their individual needs.
Tyler has self-contained autism classrooms that operate on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and a low student to teacher ratio to ensure individualized attention. Additionally, all special education students have access to part-time inclusion during their specials classes (Art, Music, P.E. & Library) to develop and generalize skills among their general education peers.
Tyler also provides full-time inclusion, which operates within a co-teaching model with a general education teacher and special education teacher modifying and assisting students as needed to be successful within the general education setting.
As a community, Tyler works to provide all students with the most appropriate environment based on their individualized needs to ensure their success academically, socially, and globally.
Learn more about the Special Education Program
Tyler Elementary Special Education Coordinator,
Denise Dantley, M.Ed.,
Phone: (202) 939.4817
DCPS Special Education Critical Response Team (CRT)
Phone: (202) 442.5400
Special Education Parent Support Group: Eat dinner, discuss special education, get information, share suggestions and express concerns with other parents.
When & Where:
3rd Tuesday of every month @ 6:00 PM
DCPS Ward 7 Parent & Family Resource Center
5601 East Capitol Street, SE, Washington DC
Contact: Karla Reid-Witt
Phone: (202) 645.4374
Tyler Elementary Location: