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Speech Therapy Group
Currently, we service all ages and contract to schools, nursing homes and hospitals. The mission of Speech Therapy Group, LLC is to maximize communication skills and swallowing,regardless of limitations, across the life span. Speech therapy addresses a variety of disorders, including but not limited to
Voice therapy – LSVT
Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders
Augmentative and Alternative Communication-AAC
Cognitive Linguistic Disorders
Apraxia Communication disorders related to autism Dysphagia/feeding problems caused by cancer or varying neurological problems
Feeding therapy for picky eaters
Articulation therapy
We at Speech Therapy Group, LLC improve the quality of life for our clients. Speech Therapy Group is dedicated to providing skills and knowledge to those individuals that need assistance with a communication or swallowing disorder that may interfere with their life. Through exceptional quality of service and strong experienced staff, our goal is to become the premier provider of speech pathology.