Spokane Guilds’ School

Address: 2118 W Garland Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: (509) 326-1651 Fax: (509) 3261658 Email: guild@guildschool.org Website: http://www.guildschool.org/


"A comprehensive assessment and treatment center for children, from birth to three, who exhibit delays in developmental skills. Spokane Guilds' School provides evaluation, assessment, and early intervention services for children birth to three with developmental delays. Our evaluation/enrollment process is multi-stepped. We have described this complex process using the questions that are most frequently asked about enrolling a child into our program. Please know that the written word is never the final word at the Spokane Guilds’ School.  Programs are personalized to meet the unique needs of the children and families we serve. Once you have read through the enrollment questions,  please feel free to contact us  with any other  questions  you may have."

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?