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St. Vrain Valley School District-CHILD FIND
Each district is required to have a child find process to inform the public and to identify children ages birth to 21 who may be eligible to receive special education services. For children ages birth to five (who are not attending a district preschool), screenings and evaluations are provided by a Specialized Assessment Team (SAT).
The Specialized Assessment Team is a district level team that provides quality, child focused evaluations for children birth-5 and supports building level teams for students in grades K-12.
Referrals come from a variety of sources including: families, community agencies, child care, preschools, medical providers, school personnel and others. SAT works collaboratively with community agencies and others to determine eligibility and assist in the development of IFSPs (Individualized Family Service Plans) for birth to 3 year olds and IEPs (Individualized Education Program) for 3-5 year olds.