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State of Oregon Talking Book and Braille Services
The Oregon State Library’s Talking Book and Braille Services (TBABS) is a free, federally-funded library service located in Salem, Oregon. It loans books and magazines in special formats to anyone who cannot see to read regular print, hold a book to turn its pages, or who has a physically based reading disability. All of the lending is done free through the mail. TBABS is part of the Oregon State Library, which is an agency of the State of Oregon. TBABS is also part of the Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) network of regional libraries.
TBABS loans books and magazines in audio and Braille format. Because the audio books are in a specialized format, TBABS loans specially designed audio players to patrons who request audio book service. TBABS also repairs, at no cost, the equipment loaned to its patrons.