Sunrise Equi Therapy

Address: 2115 South 214th Street
Eagle, NE 68347
Phone: (402) 430-0765 Email: Website:

Julie A. Wood, MED, Executive Director

"Our mission is to provide a equine assisted therapy and activities in a non-clinical setting for individuals of all ages with cognitive, physical and emotional disabilities. Sunrise EquiTherapy, Inc. was founded in 1998 and is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. Sunrise is affiliated with the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH International ) who sets our guidelines and standards plus certifies instructors. Our program serves children, adolescents and adults with special needs. Services are based on an individualized plan with specific goals/objectives that are measurable and observable. Lessons are held weekly from April through December in the indoor and/or outdoor arena as the weather dictates. Sensory trails around the facility add a new dimension to lessons. Clients participate once a week for a six week session. Clients may participate in the Sunrise EquiTherapy Charity Horse Show in the special needs classes. Therapy horses are specially trained for their various jobs.  Now With 2 Riding Locations……
     Sunrise EquiTherapy
     Windhoek Farm, East Van Dorn
     Lincoln, NE
     Jensen Arabians – Day Camps
     13887 HWY 75 North
     Blair, NE 68008"

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