Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center – Bellevue ID

Address: 114 Calypso Lane
Bellevue, ID 83313
Phone: (208) 578-9111 Website: http://www.swiftsureranch.org

Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center, formerly Sagebrush Equine Training Center for the Handicapped, is a 501 (c)(3) Idaho non-profit corporation founded in 1991 to provide equine-facilitated therapy for challenged adults and children. Our goal is to provide physical, cognitive and emotional benefits that will encourage independence, help develop life skills and improve quality of life.

At Sagebrush we aim to provide a healing environment for all who enter. The harmonious community comprised of horses, students, instructors, volunteers, donors, and boarders is constantly moving and changing to support those who need it most. Through working together with our equine partners in a safe environment, a greater sense of peace is achieved every day. Our goal is for everyone to leave better than when they arrived.

Company Overview
Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center formerly Sagebrush Equine Training Center for the Handicapped, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation serving children and adults with physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral challenges by providing a unique form of therapy and recreation through use of the horse. Student participation is on a no charge basis.

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