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Take Flight Farms, Inc.
NARHA Premier Accredited Center
"Take Flight Farms is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Omaha, Nebraska. Our mission is to develop capable and resilient individuals by incorporating horses into therapeutic and learning programs. At Take Flight Farms, we incorporate horses into unique learning and therapeutic experiences. These day programs are designed around the specific goals of the participants. Click on links below for specific examples.
Take Flight Farms served 245 clients in 2009, an increase of 63% over the previous year. About 60% of these clients were youth, with the majority being ages 9-12 and 16-19. The remaining 40% of our clients were adults coming to us from a variety of settings, including schools, corporations, private and public agencies. More than 30 volunteers donated almost 350 hours of service throughout the year.
Depending on the individual or group goals, programs are designed as Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) or a customized combination of the two. Incorporated into each program is the concept of a community service circle."