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TCAT – Paratransit / Gadabout (Ithaca, NY)
What Is Paratransit? – Complementary Paratransit is a specialized, door-to-door transport service for people who are not able to ride the fixed-route transit system because of a disability. This may be due to an inability to:
• board, ride or disembark independently from any readily accessible vehicle on the regular fixed-route system
• use a particular route or stop because it is not 100% accessible.
• get to or from bus stops on the fixed route system.
The goal of the paratransit program is to ensure that all Americans have access to transit to meet basic mobility needs. The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 recognized that people with disabilities have the same rights as other citizens to access services and facilities that are available to the public, including transportation. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for the enforcement of ADA's transportation requirements.
Please visit website for eligibility information.
Service Areas: -ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Paratransit serves the areas of Tompkins County currently receiving public transit through Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT). The ADA Paratransit eligible region is defined as a three quarter mile wide corridor on either side of the fixed bus route. The origination and destination of the requested trip must be within these parameters.
Times of Service – TCAT has a contract with Gadabout Transportation Services to operate the ADA Paratransit during daytime, evenings, and weekends.
Companion Riders:
• A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may accompany the ADA passenger at no charge provided that the rider has been approved for a personal care attendant at the time of application. When making a reservation, be sure to indicate that you will be accompanied by a PCA to allow for adequate space on the bus.
• One guest is allowed to ride with an eligible ADA passenger. When you are making a reservation, please indicate that you will be accompanied by a companion. The companion must pay the appropriate fare. Additional guests may also ride on a space-available basis and must also pay the appropriate fare. Space for additional guests cannot be confirmed until the day of the trip.
• ADA Paratransit requires advance reservation which can be set up by calling the Gadabout scheduling office at 273-1878. Placing your reservation two business days in advance is preferred and may provide a pick up closer to the requested time. Reservations can be placed no later than 3:00pm on the business day prior to the requested trip.
• ADA Trips may not be prioritized based on purpose.
• Because this is a public transit service, the fare for a one-way trip is $2.00 within TCAT's Zone One. This includes Pyramid Mall, BOCES, the Cayuga Medical Center, and the Tompkins County Airport. The fare for rural routes, or TCAT's Zone Two including Trumansburg, Caroline, Dryden, Newfield, or Danby is $3.00 for a one way trip Please contact the Gadabout scheduling office (273-1878) for additional information.
Pick-up Times- You must call Gadabout (273-1878) between 2:00-4:30 pm the afternoon before or on the morning of your scheduled trip to get your exact pick-up time. Pick-up times will be within one hour of requested time. You should be ready to be picked up at least fifteen minutes before that time. The bus will wait no longer than five minutes past your pick-up time before leaving without you. If the bus has not arrived by fifteen minutes past your pick-up time, please give Gadabout (273-1878) a call to check on the status of the bus. The bus is considered to be "on-time" as long as it arrives not earlier than fifteen minutes before the scheduled time or later than fifteen minutes past the scheduled time.
Drivers will wait five minutes after your scheduled pick-up time, even if they arrive early. Drivers arriving after your scheduled pick-up time must also wait five minutes before leaving. If you do not show up or if you are not ready, the driver will leave and it will be considered a no-show.
Gadabout vs. ADA Paratransit:
What is the difference? – Gadabout operates two different types of service. They operate regular Gadabout service and they also have a contract with TCAT to operate TCAT's paratransit service. Gadabout operates both types of service simultaneously with the same fleet of buses. This section will explain the difference between Gadabout and ADA paratransit (operated by Gadabout) and the eligibility requirements for each.
What is this service and who is it for?
Gadabout: Gadabout is a nonprofit transportation service for older and disabled residents of Tompkins County.
ADA Paratransit: ADA Complementary Paratransit is a specialized, door-to-door transportation service for people who are not able to ride the fixed-route transit system because of a disability.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Gadabout: To be eligible you must be disabled or be 60 or older.
ADA Paratransit: To be eligible you must have a disability that prevents you from riding the TCAT fixed route system.
Gadabout Webpage
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
TDD: (607) 277-9766
To schedule a ride: (607) 273-1878