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Technology Access Center of Tucson, Inc (TACT) – ARIZONA
The Technology Access Center of Tucson, Arizona (TACT) is a non-profit organization serving all ages and all disabilities. TACT providesindividuals with disabilities an opportunity to explore technology that may enhance their independence, productivity, recreation, and social opportunities according to their individual needs and interests. A grassroots organization formed in partnership with people with disabilities, families, and professionals, TACT provides timely, inexpensive, objective, state-of-the-art information about assistive technology (AT). AT removes barriers, creates solutions, and assists people with disabilities to realize their potential at school, home, and work. It is vital to the success and inclusion of people with disabilities in our community.
Toy and Equipment Loan Program – TACT has an abundant array of educational toys, battery operated toys, and switch adapted toys in our toy and equipment loan program. TACT also lends hardware, switches, communication devices, and many other devices that support individuals at home, work, and school. We are partnering with Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP AT demonstration and loan program), and have some of their equipment available for loan and demonstration on site here at TACT. Contact us at 745-5588 ext. 1263 for more information on equipment loan.
Menu of Services: TACT provides the following services by appointment for individuals with disabilities, family members and professionals:
• AT Assessments – A complete assessment by one or more professionals with recommendations and accompanying report.
For example:
- Computer Access
- Workstation/Workplace
- Educational/Classroom Support
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication