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Tennessee MEDICAID Waiver Program
Tennessee has several waivers including:
The Statewide Waiver (0128.R04)
The Arlington Waiver (0357.R02)
The Self-Determinatoin Waiver (0427.R01)
TennCare is the name of the Tennessee State Medicaid Agency. It is also the name of the State’s Medicaid Program for medical and behavioral primary care services. The TennCare program provides health care coverage for more than one million people.
In addition, the Bureau of TennCare has a variety of long-term care programs managed by the TennCare Division of Developmental Disability Services (TDDDS). These include three Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver programs.
What services does the Medicaid waiver program offer in Tennessee?
The Statewide Waiver (0128.R04) serves Tennessee citizens with intellectual disabilities. The target population consists of children with developmental delays and adults and children with intellectual disability who meet ICF/IID level of care criteria.
What programs assist people who have developmental disabilities in Tennessee?
The Statewide Waiver (0128.R04); The Arlington Waiver (0357.R02); and The Self-determination Waiver (0427.R01) assist persons with developmental disabilities in Tennessee.
The following waiver services are available based on assessed participant need: Adult Dental Services; Behavioral Respite Services; Behavior Services; Day Services; Environmental Accessibility Modifications; Family Model Residential Support; Individual Transportation Services; Intensive Behavior Residential Services; Medical Residential Services; Nursing Services; Nutrition Services; Occupational Therapy Services; Orientation and Mobility Services for Impaired Vision; Personal Assistance; Personal Emergency Response Systems; Physical Therapy Services; Residential Habilitation; Respite; Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies & Assistive Technology; Speech, Language, & Hearing Services; Supported Living; Support Coordination; and Transitional Case Management
The Arlington Waiver (#0357.R02) program serves Tennessee citizens with intellectual disabilities who have service needs that can be satisfactorily met with a cost-effective array of home and community services that complement other supports available to them in their homes and the community. These individuals qualify for and absent the provision of waiver services, would be placed in an ICF/IID. The target population for this waiver consists of persons with intellectual disabilities who meet ICF/IID level of care criteria and are class members certified in United States vs. State of Tennessee, et al. (Arlington Developmental Center). The Arlington Waiver includes the same services available in The Statewide Waiver.
The Self-Determination Waiver (0427.R01) serves Tennessee citizens with intellectual disabilities who have moderate service needs that can be met with a cost-effective array of home and community services that complement other supports available to them in their homes and the community. The Self-Determination Waiver Program affords participants the opportunity to lead the person-centered planning process and directly manage selected services, including the recruitment and management of service providers. Participants and families (as appropriate) electing self-determination are empowered and have the responsibility for managing a self-determination budget affording flexibility in service design and delivery.
The following waiver services are available based on assessed participant need: Adult Dental Services; Personal Assistance; Personal Emergency Response Systems; Physical Therapy Services; Behavioral Respite Services; Behavior Services; Day Services; Respite; Environmental Accessibility Modifications; Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies & Assistive Technology; Individual Transportation Services; Nutrition Services; Semi-Independent Living Services; Speech, Language, & Hearing Services; Occupational Therapy Services; Nursing Services; and Orientation and Mobility Services for Impaired Vision.
Does Tennessee offer community group homes?
Yes, Tennessee offers Residential Habilitation services. Residential Habilitation: A group home where a provider owns or leases the home. Staff help teach skills for daily living. These are skills such as bathing, dressing, and making their bed. What is the best number to call to get started? Call (800) 342-3145 to learn more about programs that assist persons with developmental disabilities in Tennessee.