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The Arc of Cabarrus County
The Arc of Cabarrus County will lead the way in providing opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), their families and communities to enhance the quality of life through:
Programs of The Arc of Cabarrus:
LIFEguardianship – The mission of LIFEguardianship is to advocate and ensure that person-centered supports and services are provided in the least restrictive and intrusive manner. The majority of persons with disabilities can manage their own affairs with informal assistance from family, friends, advocates, and/or agency support personnel. For some people, however, the severity of their disability makes it necessary to appoint a guardian. This program provides a guardian for a person when there is no family member or other individual able or willing to do so. The court appointed guardian visits individuals on a regular basis and monitors all aspects of their lives – residential settings, employment, day programming and social/personal and medical issues.
Family Support Network of Southern Piedmont- is dedicated to enhancing the lives of children with special needs by working with their families and service providers. FSN of Southern Piedmont offers support and resources for parents and caregivers of all children with special needs. We provide information on specific syndromes or illnesses, information on local resources, parent-to-parent matching, trainings for parents and siblings, assistance with service coordination, IFSP's and IEP's. This program serves families residing in Cabarrus, Rowan, Stanly, Iredell and Union Counties.
Sibshops- is a program for brothers and sisters of children with special needs. This program gives siblings an opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting to discuss common joys and concerns of having a brother or sister with a disability. Sibshops is for kids in 3rd-8th grades that have a brother or sister with special needs.
Arc Related Activities………
Camp Spencer – In cooperation with Concord Parks and Recreation Department, The Arc sponsors this one week summer camp, which offers arts, crafts, swimming, movies, a dance, music and great fun for adults with disabilities.
The Arc Family Picnic – is held every summer at Frank Liske Park. This covered dish event allows Arc members and friends to share food and fellowship.
Operation Santa – provides Christmas gifts for Cabarrus County residents with intelllectual disabilities who would otherwise receive no gifts at holiday time.
Cabarrus Champions – is our local Self-Advocacy Group. The group meets once a month. Activities include dances, dinners, games and guest speakers.
Specific Assistance Fund – The Arc of Cabarrus maintains a Specific Assistance Fund to help supplement costs associated with having a disability. The money can be used to purchase assistive technology items, cover registration fees for special programs, and a variety of other needs. This fund can only be accessed after all other resources have been exhausted and can only be used by Cabarrus County residents.