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The Arc of Cumberland County
The Arc of Cumberland County provides support to children with special needs and their families through needs assessment, educational materials, resource/referral services, individual training, workshops and recreational opportunities.
The Family Support Coordinator provides training and support for child care staff on specific areas of special needs. The staff attends training to keep current on disability issues.
Parents of children with special needs receive extra assistance with their role as parents. In addition to the basics, they learn about their child’s disability or special need. We provide information about what services are available to them and how to access those services. We provide information to help them understand the long-term impact of their child’s needs and best practices.
We provide a variety of supports services. The community has need of understanding the unique and special needs, including reducing the incidence of disabilities and ways to integrate children and adults into full participation in community life this is the goal of are disability awareness activities.
Families of children with special needs (0-5 not yet in kindergarten) receive information, resource and referrals to help them navigate the systems that provide services. Gaining access to Early Intervention services is vital in the early years.
We are in the process of developing a program to provide Child care providers with training in the area for meeting the needs of children with special need in the classroom environment. For children with special needs, high quality early childhood care and education provides an important foundation for future learning.
Skills learned in the early years, such as exploring the environment and communicating with others, contribute to school success. In many instances, these early supports reduce the need for special education.