The Arc of Greater Williamsburg

Address: 202 Packets Court, Suite D
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Phone: (757) 229-3535 Fax: (757) 2293535 Email: Website:


"The Arc of Greater Williamsburg provides support services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through educational, Life & Job Skills, Health & Wellness, and Social & Recreational opportunities.
We are a local Arc chapter which has served young adults to senior citizens in the community for 35 years.  In 2010 we provided over 16,000 hours of respite to families and caregivers and are grateful for 6,125 hours of volunteer service. 
Our members are people with intellectual and physical disabilities, their families, friends, interested citizens and dedicated health service professionals. All are concerned with improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.  We welcome your membership and donations in support of our growing organization.  "

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