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The Arc of Kitsap & Jefferson Counties
Jan Gray, Executive Director
The Arc of Kitsap & Jefferson Counties was founded in 1938. The Arc of Kitsap & Jefferson Counties is affiliated with The Arc of Washington State and The Arc of the United States, the largest organization representing individuals with developmental disabilities. The Arc has always been a grass roots organization made up of parents, family members and other concerned citizens. The Arc movement was founded in Washington State in 1936 and in Kitsap County in 1938. In March 1995, The Arc of Kitsap County expanded to include Jefferson County and changed it's name to The Arc of Kitsap & Jefferson Counties. The purpose of The Arc is to promote the welfare of children and adults with developmental disabilities; to develop programs in their behalf by advocacy and funding if needed; to assist parents in finding solutions to their problems; to gain cooperation of public, private, religious, and professional groups by promoting a better understanding of people who are developmentally disabled; and to solicit and receive funds for accomplishment of the above purposes.
The Arc is further committed to reducing the incidence and limiting the consequence of mental retardation through education, research, advocacy and support of families, friends and community. The Arc is committed to securing for all people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to choose and realize their goals of where and how they learn, live, work and play.