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The Arc of the United States
We are the largest national community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. We encompass all ages and all spectrums from autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X and various other developmental disabilities.
With more than 140,000 members and more than 700 state and local chapters nationwide, we are on the front lines to ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families have the support they need to be members of the community.
The Arc is the premier provider of supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and has a demonstrable record of success in achieving the outcomes people want for their lives.
We believe that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are entitled to the rights afforded every American and that they demand to be included and participate as full members of the community. Our chapters are vital in providing the supports and services crucial to achieving these goals.
Supports and services offered by our chapters include:
Our chapters offer supports and services that are personalized to meet the needs of the individual and encompass all stages of life.
Click HERE to Find a Chapter
- Information and referral services;
- Individual advocacy to address education, employment, health care and other concerns;
- Self-advocacy initiatives;
- Residential support;
- Family support;
- Employment programs; and
- Leisure and recreational programs
Additional Supports & Services may include early intervention, supported employment, job training,transition planning, respite care, supported living and transportation to name a few. Additional services available at some chapters include: case management, medical and dental care and therapeutic services such as occupational and physical therapy, behavior management, speech therapy and more. Depending on the stage of life a person is in, the supports may vary and are meant to be tailored to meet that person’s individual needs. Check with your local chapter to determine which services are available.