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The Brain Injury Association of Ohio (BIAOH)
"BIAOH is a statewide advocacy and education organization incorporated in 1982 to improve services and supports to Ohioans with brain injury and their families, and to promote prevention. In 1985, the IRS granted 501 (c) (3) status to BIAOH, affirming our tax exempt, not-for-profit status. BIAOH is comprised of survivors, family members, friends and professionals working together to promote better understanding, rehabilitation opportunities and lifelong community supports to assist an individual in living as fully and independently as possible.
Community Support Networks(CSNs) – Staffed BIAOH ""field"" offices provide service linkage, education and ""community capacity building"" assistance within multi-county areas. Of 15 proposed CSN areas identified in Ohio’s blueprint for a comprehensive resource coordination system, seven are currently in operation. (See map for CSN boundaries; colored areas are staffed.) CSN Coordinators work in close collaboration with each other, BIAOH’s State Office, and representatives from an array of service-providing agencies to maximize continuity and coordination of assistance.
Frequently Requested Educational Documents ""FRED"" – FRED files include articles, fact sheets, reports, videos and manuals on wide-ranging prevention and brain injury-related topics available through BIAOH’s State Office.
Programs & Services Database – BIAOH regularly updates and maintains a database of over 2000 providers in over 70 service categories. State Office and CSN staff search the database to link individuals with needed services and supports.
Outreach, Prevention & Training – BIAOH’s website,, update memos, newsletter, and action alerts inform members and supporters of developments within the brain injury and wider disability community, sources of assistance, upcoming events, and ways to become involved. Through trainings, curriculum development, literature distribution, and prevention initiatives, BIAOH also promotes awareness and understanding.
Advocacy – BIAOH promotes public policy and system changes to improve services to individuals with brain injury and their families to make them more accessible, available, appropriate, and acceptable. This effort is central to BIAOH’s purpose since in Ohio there is no identified state agency responsible for the long-term service and support needs of one of the state’s largest disability populations.
Linkage & Technical Assistance to Support Groups – BIAOH maintains a database of over 50 independent support groups around the state offering peer support. BIAOH regularly shares information with group leaders, and provides technical assistance upon request. "