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The Burton Center – Service Provider – Greenwood SC
Burton Center, a non-profit, governmental agency, provides services for people with disabilities and special needs (autism, mental retardation, head injuries, spinal cord injuries and related disabilities) and their families in Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lexington, McCormick, and Saluda counties.
Services are provided at no charge to those who meet specific eligibility criteria by the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. Burton Center has experienced phenomenal growth since 1971. Today Burton Center serves over 1100 people and employs over 450 staff members.
Programs are developed to assist individuals in exercising their own choices resulting in growth and independence. Transportation is provided by 65 vans and buses traveling over 4000 miles per day. Each person is picked up every day, transported to the center, and returned home in the afternoon.
Family Support Services
Service Coordination is the point of entry into the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs service delivery system. Service Coordinators serving Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lexington, McCormick and Saluda counties help individuals identify their needs and develop a service plan to meet those needs. The Service Coordinators organize services with other agencies such as Department of Education, Department of Mental Health, Department of Juvenile Justice, United Ministries, Burton Center, etc. As an individual’s needs change, the Service Coordinators ensure that adequate services are provided.
Early Intervention is a family focused, in-home service for children birth to age six (6). An early interventionist helps families understand the development of their child. Service coordination is provided according to a family service plan. The early interventionist works in conjunction with South Carolina’s BabyNet Agency to serve infants and toddlers age 0 to three (3) years and if determined eligible, Early Intervention will continue services to six (6) years of age.
Respite Services provide temporary care for children or adults, allowing families or caregivers to handle emergencies, personal situations or take a break. Respite may be provided in the person’s home, a qualified caregiver’s home, regional center or other locations.