The Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing – Department of Human Services

Address: 1575 Sherman Street, Garden Level
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: (303) 866-4824 Email: Website:

"The Colorado Commission for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing (CCDHH) is a governmental agency in the state of Colorado on behalf of people of all ages who are deaf and hard of hearing, established by enabling statutes passed the Colorado General Assembly during the 2000 session and recorded in the Colorado Revised Statutes.

The Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing facilitates the provision of general governmental services to the deaf and hard of hearing community while making government more efficient. Under the federal ""Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990"", 42 U.S.C. sec. 12101, Colorado has a duty to provide to the deaf and hard of hearing, equivalent access to governmental services. This duty requires state departments and agencies to provide interpreters, telecommunications equipment, and other resources to enable such access.

Centralizing and unifying such resources under a Commission has the potential to create cost savings for both the State and the deaf and hard of hearing community. In addition, such consolidation of resources will facilitate quality control, and thus increase the quality of governmental services while increasing access by the deaf and hard of hearing community to those services.

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