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The Cushman School /The Laura Cushman Academy
The Cushman School / Laura Cushman Academy provides academics programs for students with language/learning disabilities. The program is multidisciplinary (speech, OT, sensory integration) and provides carefully sequenced multi-sensory language based instruction. The Cushman School is a place where children are nurtured and supported, academically, socially, and emotionally in a rich learning environment. Through personalized instruction and developmentally appropriate practices, our students explore their individual learning styles, and are encouraged to become responsible, independent, and reflective learners. We understand that each child is unique and we offer a place where each child’s special gifts are recognized and valued.
Our multiage program for children through age five offers a warm, nurturing environment in which they can feel secure as they build social, physical, emotional, and intellectual foundations. First grade students are placed in single-age classrooms where they receive individualized reading instruction. Kindergarten and first grade classrooms are equipped with Smartboards and iMac technology to enhance learning experiences. This year, the addition of our STEAM…(science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) program will fully engage students as well.