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The Dana Foundation and The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives
The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that supports brain research through grants, publications, and educational programs.
The Dana Foundation’s science and health grants support brain and immuno-imaging and clinical neuroscience research. The Grants section provides descriptions of these programs, application guidelines, and summaries of supported studies and their results. The Foundation also occasionally sponsors workshops and events in areas related to its research grants.
Online and in print, the Foundation offers neuroscience-related publications, including exclusive news and feature articles and interviews, briefing papers, primers, and our blog. The online journal Cerebrum offers thought-provoking ideas from leading researchers, and the monthly periodical Brain in the News features the top brain-related stories from external publications. To sign up for a specific publication or the Foundation’s bi-weekly e-newsletter, visit our subscriptions page.
The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives also produces a number of publications, including a directory of organizations that deal with brain-related disorders, a Q&A booklet about brain research, and a number of publications and activities for children.
Other popular online resources include Brainy Kids, an online science resource for students, teachers, and parents; Brain Web, a validated directory of websites and articles about brain diseases and disorders; and Brain Resources for Seniors, a portal of reliable websites for senior citizens, which address aging and health.