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The Family Information Network on Disabilities (FIND of Louisville) – Kentucky
The Family Information Network on Disabilities (FIND of Louisville) is a non-profit organization that provides free information, training, referral, and advocacy to parents and professionals working with children with disabilities and special needs.
We serve families of children of ages birth to 26 years old and all disabilities (i.e., physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional). We offer training to parents including advocacy and leadership skills to help them become better care-givers for children with a single disability or multiple disabilities including.
See our Parent Assistance page for a partial list of the disabilities we train caregivers to help with. FIND provides training for parents and educators on the processes surrounding IDEA, Section 504, and the IEP with the importance of working together for the educational growth of children with differing abilities.
FIND provides training and information by holding workshops and responding to parents’ and service providers’ questions over the phone, by email, or in person.
FIND of Louisville provides one-on-one assistance by phone or in person. Our goal in providing Parent Assistance is to offer support and information to parents regarding special education and disabilities enabling them to be effective members of their child's Individualized Education Program team.