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The Langsford Center – Kentucky
At the Langsford Center we offer assessments and short-term programs for children and adults with language based learning difficulties, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia. Using research-based approaches, which are direct, explicit, and simultaneously multi-sensory, The Langsford Learning Academy specialized in teaching the processes that are fundamental to all learning. These processes enable children to achieve grades that reflect their true effort and intelligence. The Langsford Learning Acceleration Centers, with locations in Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati Ohio has tutored children and adults since 1992.
Langsford Learning Acceleration Centers use a “Team-To-One"TM approach. When a client enrolls, a Learning Coordinator develops an individualized plan of action for that client. The plan of action is then carried out in one-to-one sessions by highly trained instructors. Although this plan is developed before a client begins sessions, it is never really complete. The Team, consisting of a Learning Coordinator and instructors, continuously work together to evaluate the client’s progress and adjusts the plan as needed. Thus, the Team-To-OneTM approach means that there is always a team standing behind any staff member working with a client.