The New Hampshire Association for The Blind

Address: 25 Walker Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 224-4039 Fax: (603) 2244378 Email: Website:

McGreal Sight Center 

Located at 25 Walker Street, Concord, NH, the McGreal Sight Center is the headquarters of the New Hampshire Association for the Blind – the first vision rehabilitation center in New Hampshire (dedicated in 1998). Comprehensive individual and group services are available at the Center for those able to travel to Concord.

The Association provides travel assistance for clients wishing to receive services at the Center, either by taxi paid for by generous grants to the Association, or by volunteer drivers.  At the Center, clients and their families may consult about vision impairment and blindness and the many services offered to help people regain or maintain the ability to function independently after vision loss.

Services Include

Rehabilitation Therapy
Low Vision Services
Educational Services
Adaptive Technology Services


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