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The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS)
"To help Ohio’s families find solutions to their temporary challenges, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services offers a wide range of assistance.
This includes unemployment compensation, health care, cash assistance, food assistance, child care, child support enforcement and administration, and employment and training assistance. For more information about these services and how to access them, please visit our online ""Services Index"".
Ohio Medicaid Programs for Children, Pregnant Women and Families:(please visit our website for details)
Ohio Medicaid offers three programs for children, pregnant women and families with limited income to get health care. Once eligible for Medicaid, each child (birth through age 20) will have access to an important group of services known as Healthchek.
Healthy Start (also called SCHIP) is a Medicaid program available to:
Uninsured children (up to age 19) in families with income up to 200% of the federal poverty level.
Insured children (up to age 19) in families with income up to 150% of the federal poverty level.
Pregnant women in families with income up to 200% of the federal poverty level.
Healthy Families is a Medicaid program available to:
Families with income up to 90% of the federal poverty level. (Families must include a child younger than age 19).
Medicaid for 19 and 20 Year-Olds is a Medicaid program available to:
Individuals who are age 19 or 20 years old whose countable income does not exceed the Ohio Works First (OWF) cash assistance payment.
Unemancipated individuals who live with their parents or who are temporarily absent from their parents' home are considered to be financially dependent upon their parents and parent income is used in the eligibility determination."