The Therapy Place, Inc

Address: 3620 Covenant Road
Columbia, SC 29204
Phone: (803) 787-3033 Fax: (803) 7870300 Website:

The Therapy Place was incorporated in March of 2008, received 501(c)3 status within just a few months and started its first pilot project of Conductive Education, the first time ever offered in Columbia, serving eight children with Cerebral Palsy in July of 2009.  The goal of The Therapy Place is to provide pediatric therapy services to children with special needs in the Midlands. We will provide innovative therapies to all children, regardless of their family’s ability to pay, and provide services closer to home.

The Therapy Place provides creative, skilled traditional therapies in a family friendly environment include: Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy.  The Therapy Place provides intensive therapy programs not offered elsewhere in South Carolina.  The programs include: TheraSuit and TheraSuit Method.  In addition to traditional therapy, The Therapy Place provides KinderMusik Music Therapy.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?