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Therapeutic Equestrian Program, IRIE
IRIE… it is a Jamaican word that means without worries or problems. It is a very fitting name for us. We work with children who have special needs. We give them the chance to learn about horses, how to ride them, and how to care for them. They begin to learn about responsibilities. They are taking care of another living creature. For many children this is the first time that they are giving the care.
Along the way something that we call "equine magic " takes place. It usually comes with lots of big smiles, kids who walk a little taller, sit a bit staighter, and laugh louder.
Our Program: Children & Success
What is success? That depends on the child. It could be wearing a riding helmet for the first time or touching one of the horses. Success might be sitting on a horse, walking into the barn, or trotting independently.
But the thing to remember is that EACH CHILD CAN BE SUCCESSFUL.
Our sessions are designed to be one instructor, and one student. We also have volunteers to assist as needed. The sessions are tailored with each child in mind. We work at the child's pace. We accentuate the positive.
Therapeutic riding can do so much. It makes a child strong, physically and mentally. It gives the participant confidence, builds self esteem, improves coordination, and cooperation.
Most of all, it is fun!
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Mailing Address:
POB 216 Center Moriches
Center Moriches, NY 11934
Phone: (631) 871-1916
Physical Location: