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Thompson Child & Family Focus
Our work centers on the well-being of children and their families. Founded in 1886 as an orphanage, Thompson is a non-profit organization operating three distinct campuses, each providing comprehensive education, treatment, and care for children (birth to 18 years) in need. The children we serve are fragile, bruised or broken. Our vision – our determination and our obligation – is to make them whole again. At Thompson, we do whatever it takes to help every child to feel safe, strong, happy, and loved.
Our mission…called to serve children and families through healing, teaching, worship, and play. We reach out to children of any age, up to 18 years, and to their families. We see a range of challenges, from the most severe cases of abuse and neglect, to instances where families simply lack the means or tools to provide quality care and education. At Thompson, we wrap our arms around all children to help build their inner strength.
Services: (please see our ""What We Do"" page for details)
Thompson Child Developoment Center
Early Childhood Outreach
Family Support Services
Targeted Case Management
Outpatient Therapy
Family Education
SBIT: School-Based Intervention Therapy
Foster Care Services
Foster Parent Licensing
Intensive In-Home Services
Day Treatment/The School at Thompson
PRTF: Psychiatric Residential Treatment