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Thorne Bay School, Southeast Island School District- ALASKA
The Thorne Bay Business Association was founded in 1998 to foster a better business climate in Thorne Bay and harness the civic potential of the business community. Thorne Bay originally began as a large logging camp for the Ketchikan Pulp Company in 1960 that was originally located in Hollis. In the 1960s and 1970s it was the largest logging camp in North America and was host to over 1500 residents at its peak. It became a second-class city in 1982.
Thorne Bay School features small class sizes and dedicated teachers who approach teaching with the attitude of teamwork and collaboration. Thorne Bay School students enjoy a variety of activities, including hunting, fishing, trapping, sea kayaking, hiking,
biking, archery, and travel around the state. Also, students are connected to the rest of the world via high speed Internet.
Thorne Bay School has produced several state champions in the National Archery in the Schools Program, and we have qualified and sent a team to Kentucky for the national championships 4 years running.