TRAID Project , NY State

Address: 401 State Street, NYS Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities
Schenectady,, NY 12305
Phone: (518) 388-2892 Fax: (518) 3882890 Website:

TRAID Program
TRAID’s goal is to increase the access and acquisition of assistive technology in the four domain areas of education, employment, community living and information technology/telecommunications. Through the 12 Regional TRAID Centers (RTCs), staff provide information, training, device demonstration and loan, technical assistance and advocacy on how to obtain and use assistive technology services and devices. The TRAID Program, in collaboration with the NYS Department of Health Early Intervention Program, provides partial funding to the RTCs for equipment loan libraries for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. The Program also operates and maintains the TRAID-IN Equipment Exchange program, which is a service for individuals who are looking to sell, donate or obtain used assistive devices for people with disabilities.

TRAID-IN Equipment Exchange Program
The TRAID-In Equipment Exchange Program “matches” or connects people who have assistive devices they no longer need with people with disabilities who could use those devices. The program is available to New York State residents only, and is free of charge. Anyone who wishes to participate in the program must first complete an application form. There are two forms – one for sellers/donators and one for requesters. Please submit the appropriate form. After you submit an application, we will attempt to “match” you with a participant who either needs your device or who has the device you need. Once matched, we will contact you, and you will have one month to negotiate a deal. This will include working out how the item will be transferred from one party to the other. The seller/donator is responsible for letting us know whether the match was successful or not.

Please Keep in Mind:
We do not make shipping arrangements or pay shipping costs; that's your responsibility.
If you are a seller, be realistic in setting a price; if the price is too high, your item is not likely to sell.
Please provide as much information as you can when describing your item.
When an item is for sale or donation, all persons who have indicated an interest in that item will be notified.
Once matched, sellers/donators and requesters have 30 days to complete the transaction.
The seller/donator is responsible for notifying us of the outcome of the match.
If we do not hear from the seller/donator within 90 days, the item will be removed from the list.
Unmatched items will remain on the list for one year, after which they will be removed.
A separate application must be submitted for each item. There is no limit to the number of items you can request or sell/donate.
If you obtain/sell/donate an item before the program can match you, please notify us immediately.
It's a good idea not to rely on the TRAID-In Equipment Exchange Program as your only source to sell/donate or obtain your item.


Assistive Technology Training
Tricks of the TRAID
assistive technology, funding AT
general audience – customized AT demonstrations

Enhancing Learning through Accessible Information Technology
assistive technology and electronic information technology for the education setting
school district personnel, parents and related services staff

Tricks of the TRAID for Vocational Rehabilitation
assistive technology, funding, regulations and services
rehabilitation counselors, graduate students, VESID staff and others

Tricks of the TRAID: Early Intervention
assistive technology devices
parents, educators, daycare and school staff

Tricks of the TRAID for Older Individuals
assistive technology devices and services for older individuals
general audience


Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:


TRIAD Regional Offices



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