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Training and Evaluation Center of Hutchinson (TECH), KS
TECH is committed to assisting individuals with disabilities of all ages to live full and productive lives through advocacy, education, and quality supports.
Programs for Children:
Special Beginnings -A program for premature and high-risk infants and their families that provides educational developmental expertise through a supportive multidisciplinary team. Skills developing normally will be enhanced and problems, if they should occur, will be identified at the earliest time possible enabling appropriate intervention to be provided.
It is a holistic treatment approach made possible by the collaboration through Partnering Agencies for Childhood Excellence (PACE) of Reno County. Participation in the program affords you and your baby access to early childhood specialists in the areas of health and education. To contact Special Beginnings, please call 620-615-5851.
Infant-Toddler- Services are provided at no cost to all children through age 2 and their families. Eligibility is determined by demonstrated delay in one or more developmental areas or a condition that is likely to result in such a delay. Parents participate in their child’s development program and partner with specialists to develop intervention techniques through everyday learning opportunities. Services are provided in the home or daycare setting where parents and caregivers are encouraged to participate. To contact Infant-Toddler Services, please call 620-615-5863
Developmental screenings – Available for children ages birth to five. This free service enables professionals to assess your child’s general growth and development. The screening takes approximately 45 minutes. The areas screened include:
• Hearing
• Vision
• Balance/Coordination
• Health
• Speech/Language
• Thinking/Reasoning
• Self-Help/Social
Call 620-663-2671 to make an appointment.
Community Services:
Preschool Services (Ages 3-5) – Children who are eligible may receive early intervention services in community preschools and day care settings located within the six school districts in Reno County. The Community program provides:
• special instruction
• speech/language therapy,
• occupational therapy,
• and physical therapy,
in the child's "natural" environment, where they would normally be during a typical day. Special services and therapies are integrated directly into the child’s daily routine. Community-Based staff also offers consultative services with preschools, child care settings, and families to provide support and information.
Center Services – Interaction between children with special needs and children whose development and behaviors is age appropriate is the key to the success of the Early Education Center’s integrated preschool. A half-day preschool offers activities for children with special needs ages 3-5. It provides children with experiences and interaction that help them adapt more easily to the structured environment of a school. Physical, occupational, speech and language therapy are incorporated into normal classroom activities.
Children in the Early Education Center preschool benefit from the creative positive learning environment. They also become more sensitive to the needs of others and learn to accept differences among people. Children who pass a developmental screening may enroll in the Early Education Center’s preschool program. Children who are developmentally appropriate also receive individualized instruction to meet their needs.
Family Services- Support for families – empowerment through:
• education,
• support,
• connection to community and
• natural resources.
TECH offers individualized assistance for families with a loved one that has disabilities still living in the family home, regardless of age. Supports are based on the needs of the person with the disability.
Respite Care – For some families a few hours of respite care every week is all they need. This service allows family members to run errands, go out to dinner, go to a movie or spend some special time with other members of the family. You may want to schedule exercise therapy or other personal assistance required during respite care.
Supportive Home Care- Other individuals need services provided through Supportive Home Care that require assistance with bathing, dressing, therapy exercises and other more personal needs. Night support may also be available for those individuals requiring monitoring at night, turning or medications.
TECH Adult Services:
Service Coordination – TECH’s Service Coordinators provide support to individuals with disabilities and their guardians and families to obtain and maintain needed services. TECH Service Coordinators work one on one with each person and their support team, to determine what his or her needs are and what services will assist them in meeting those needs. If you have questions about TECH’s service coordination, please call Service Coordination at (620) 663-2216.
Adult Life Skills – TECH´s Adult Life Skills is a broad based program that places emphasis on pre-vocational and self-care skills. ALS staff work with individuals to practice money recognition, reading, team building, community volunteering, using the local Rcat public transportation system, personal safety, and many other skills to live an enriched life.
TECH Training Center- Individuals that participate in TECH's Training Center learn valuable work skills while building the self-confidence needed to create a productive and reliable employee. In addition to enjoying the benefits and amenities of a paycheck, their lives are also enriched by learning about how to advocate for their individual rights so as to enhance their opportunities to be successful in the community.
Community Based Employment – TECH's Community Based Employment service allows individuals to make the transition to a job in the community. TECH staff provide supports to ensure that a successful placement is made based upon the individuals interest, skills and talents. Services are provided under our funding from the Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and Kansas Social Rehabilitation Services. Individual’s receiving employment services from TECH Inc. have achieved increased levels of independence and self-sufficiency as a result of their community employment. Individuals in TECH´s Community Based Employment services have proven to be outstanding employees in a variety of jobs throughout the community.
Residential Services- TECH´s Residential Services offer adults with disabilities the freedom to choose the level of support needed in their home. TECH provides services to individuals who choose to live in their own homes, rent an apartment, or live in a group home.
Computer/TECHnology Lab- The Computer/TECHnology Lab at TECH provides individualized training to adults in utilizing technology for independence. This features training and exploration in the use of technologies to enhance communication, literacy and living skills along with developing basic computer skills and the use of office software.
Day Support/Transportation – TECH's Day Supports Services department helps individuals develop opportunities that will assist them to access community resources for the highest level of independence wanted and needed to become an active member of the community. This includes learning how to access the Reno County Area Transit (Rcat) to get to and from home and work, community activities and medical appointments. Safety awareness and training is an essential part of this training along with learning to use problem solving skills to identify and solve problems that might be encountered along the way.
TECH Business Services:
Your business can have quality service and help employ people with disabilities in Reno County.
Supported Employment – It makes good business sense to find dependable workers. We train and support as needed, because your satisfaction is our success!
Warehouse StorageProduction Facilities – Need help with your inventory? We can package, palletize, label, inventory, ship and store your products.
TECH's Work Facility has pallets, forklifts, scales and truck docks. We work with most local trucking companies and all postal carriers. Both our metal and wood shops can assist you in meeting your deadlines.
Shredding – Making room in the company store room? We can take care of all your document shredding needs. Arrangements can be made to pick up your paper on a regular basis or as a one time job. Your paper will be shredded confidentially, baled and trucked to a paper mill. For more information about employment and contract services at TECH, please call (620) 663-2216.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Corporate Office:
1300 East Avenue A
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Phone: (620) 663-1596
Early Education Center:
303 East Bigger
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Phone: (620) 615-5850
Email Early Education Center
Adult Life Skills:
20 North Main
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Phone: (620) 669-8045
TECH Staff Contacts
TECH Training Center: