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Transit Authority, Bay Metro
It is our mission to provide high quality public transportation service to the residents of Bay County. This means operating a system which is economical and efficient; a system safe for both employees and the public. It also means providing transportation service which is reliable and predictable; service which is responsive to community needs and respectful of the property and rights of all individuals.
The Bay Metropolitan Transportation Authority (also known as Bay Metro Transit) began operations in 1974. It is currently organized under Michigan Public Act 196 of 1986, as amended. The Authority serves all of Bay County, Michigan, with 447 square miles and approximately 110,000 residents. Services provided include: Fixed Route Service; Countywide Dial-A-Ride Service for Seniors and Disabled (Bay DART); Flexed (Contract) Route Service; Service for special community events.
The transit system is currently housed in a facility built in 1981 located at 1510 N. Johnson Street in Bay City, Michigan. This facility contains the administrative, maintenance, and operations functions of the transit system.
BMTA has approximately 105 full-time and 10 part-time employees. Vehicle operators, service workers, and mechanics are members of United Steelworkers of America Local 8422. Staff employees are members of the Teamsters Local 486. BMTA operates a fleet of 65 accessible vehicles, which includes 16 lift-equipped vans.
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