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Transit Authority, Topeka Metropolitan
ADA Lift Service:
The Lift service is a public transportation program which provides door-to-door bus service for persons with disabilities who are unable to use the wheelchair accessible fixed route bus system.
Days and Hours of Service:
The Lift operates the same hours as the fixed route service.
Monday through Friday from 5:45 AM to 6:15 PM
Saturday from 7:15 AM to 6:15 PM
The Lift service does not operate on Sunday or major holidays.
The Lift service operates within 3/4 mile of any fixed-route bus stop.
A one-way Lift fare is $4.00. A book of 10 ride tickets is $40.00.
Note: Fixed-route monthly passes and transfers are not accepted on the Lift service.
Ride tickets for the Lift may be purchased at Quincy Street Station, through the mail, or at our outlet locations, which include all Topeka Dillons stores and Hy-Vee.
One personal care attendant may travel with a passenger at no charge. Escorts or additional attendants must pay the $4.00 fare. Up to three (3) children under age five (5) can ride free with a paying registered adult.
Download the Lift Service Application
Please visit our website or Contact Us for more information: